One more hour to pick up your supplies. Thanks for coming by Colt!
So far, Nyssa Elementary students have read 320 books on Tumble Books. If you haven't checked it out yet, here's a link that will automatically log you in:
Middle school high school instruction schedule
Hola Cachorritos, hoy, pensando en la Pascua, les presento un libro de no ficcion acerca de las liebres. Liebres fue escrito por Pamela McDowell y se lo presento con el permiso del publicador: AV2 by Weigl. Que lo disfruten!
Hello Bullpups! I've got another read-aloud for you. Today, I will read to you two poems from a goofy old poetry collection, I Met a Man, in honor of National Poetry Month. Enjoy!
If you missed us today, come by Thursday from 3:00-6:00!
Thank you to all the amazing staff who passed out supplies all day today. Thank you to the HUNDREDS of families who came today! #BullpupsUnite #BestSchoolEver
A story for you, from Mr. Rodman! Be well. :)
La escuela intermedia grados (6-8) de Nyssa estará dando computadoras para los estudiantes mañana 1 de abril de 9 a 3 p.m. y jueves 2 de abril de 3 p.m. a 6 p.m. Será un viaje en automóvil, así que quédese en sus autos. Comuníquese con la escuela si tiene alguna pregunta. GRACIAS
STUDENTS: make sure you check your birth year email accounts. All of you teachers are sending emails to your birth year emails. To play it safe: check all emails you have used. Email Mrs. Sapp or call the High school if you have any difficulties with this. #nhs #gobulldogs
NMS - Chromebook Drive Thru - April 1st - 9am-3pm. To make it easier on families with both MS and elementary students will have open pick up from your car for Chromebooks and packets. Please be patient and stay in your car. Follow the signs. THANK YOU
Students check email and google classroom.
Lunch schedules!! Be there for great food from some amazing Nyssa Staff!
Lunch schedules!! Be there for great food from some amazing Nyssa Staff!
Hello Nyssa Elementary! We hope you are holding up with the weirdness of quarantine and not being at school. Most of you have talked with your teachers by now. Mr. Murray and I wanted to get some important information out to you about the next few days. -Mr. Murray and Mr. Rodman
High school students and parents, teachers are working hard to provide you with learning opportunities. Please check your email often for invitations and information. If you have not received anything by Wednesday April 1st, please email your teachers.
If you are a student who need internet access, or know a one who does please email or so we can help you! We are so excited for this new challenge and opportunity to be flexible in our educational journey!!
COVID-19 Closure Update. NMS is working on providing supplemental instruction to students during the school closure. We will be making contact with families following spring break and staff will be preparing resources for at home learning. Keep an eye out for updates.
School Closure Update
Our school closure has been extended to April 28. After spring break our teachers will be adapting their courses to a temporary online format using google classroom, Zoom, online textbooks, edgenuity, and/or other online resources. We are fully committed to adjusting and providing the support needed for all students to earn credit and for our seniors to graduate on time.